Saturday, August 16, 2008

Entry #2: Cellphones Recycling

Source: The Star, Wednesday July 30, 2008

Great efforts by Nokia cellphone manufacturer. They are recycling unwanted cellphones in order to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases. They had done a survey in 13 countries, where only 3% have recycled their handphones, 74% have not even thought of doing so and 70% do not know where to. I'm in the 70% category. I didn't know where can i give my unwanted cellphones but now i know where. I wonder what people do with their unwanted cellphones since the cellphones are keep improving and many new cellphones have been produced. I agree as what have been said by the environmental affairs manager.

“If each of the three billion handphone users globally recycle one phone each, we can save 240,000 tonnes of raw material from being mined, produced and distributed. The amount of greenhouse gases saved would be equivalent to that of removing four million cars from the road.”

They had set up some kiosks for customers to give away the unwanted cellphones and the best part is, with each handphones will be rewarded one tree with the customer's name, the trees will be planted at Sebangau National Park in central Kalimantan. Just imagine if 100 customers give their unwanted cellphones, 100 trees will be planted, which will help to reduce the effect of greenhouse gases and global warming where the carbon dioxide will be consumed by the trees. I strongly support the idea of planting the trees.

But i don't think Nokia have campaign this matter widely to Malaysian and others. Why i say this because as for me, if it is not because of this blog assignment i wouldn't find the article or wouldn't read the news. After this don't be surprise if you find trees with my name on it. ;)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Entry #1 - Beijing's Air Pollution: It Isn't The Cars


Published Jul. 29, 2008

Comment by Ayu:

The article is about air pollution in Beijing, which was said it is not caused by cars. Beijing’s air still polluted though reduced number of cars due to the car regulation enforced by the China government. It is true that the industries contribute more to the polluted air in Beijing especially construction site for Olympic game buildings. This is because the trucks, factories those make construction materials released VOC which is the main cause of ozone problem. Other substances that contribute to the polluted air are the particulates from construction site, coal-fired power plants and also factory boilers. The industry do caused many effects to not only Beijing’s air, other countries also face the same problems. Beside of VOC released, the industries also caused greenhouse emissions. As we know, greenhouse emission is one of the main caused of global warming that we are facing now. We cannot avoid from having industries in our place to really reduce the air pollution, what we can do, as the author said, we can have a smart transport planning, strengthen the local enforcement of existing pollution and energy efficiency standards.